
Below displays an illustrative overview of the circulating token supply of FTXXX

Transaction Fee Transaction (buy/sell/transfer) is subjected to a 5% fee, corresponding to: 2% sent to a promotional account (0x5Ab70B1c091ecd8d0114a2d9b9F264A6fF384b5D) 2% sent to the business account (0xa47103e18bc9c1923161b6488dec6cb1490a1a6b) 1% sent to the dead address (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD) The total transaction fees will never go above 5%. When the total tokens at the dead address accumulate more than 33% of the total supply, the burn value is reduced to 0.50% with the extra 0.50% going to the promotional account to offset the increased needs of that account. Additionally when the dead address reaches 66% of the total supply the burn value is reduced to .25%. Once the dead address reaches 450,000,000 FTXXX no additional tokens will be burned. Anti Whale Mechanism To protect the Fantasy Token (FTXXX) from “Rinse & Repeat” activities of token whales, we have added an anti whale mechanism into the smart contract. This will limit transactions (buy/sell/transfers) of a specified value for a specific amount of time Treasury functionality The treasury is created in order to defend against ecosystem attacks, preserve the integrity of our ecosystem, and protect the decentralized nature of the Fantasy Digital ecosystem. It will be used to increase the liquidity pool, to provide additional crypto based marketing support and to assist the Foundation in the event of explosive growth.

Last updated